You can move past conflict and disconnection towards greater cooperation and harmony with your 9 to 15-year-old!
Learn effective strategies through either
the DIY program or add on coaching for
your quickest results.
Choose the best program below
2 payments of $247 each
Payment in Full
Pay for the Supported Program in three installments.
Supported with coaching - Full Pay
If you answered “YES!”, then the
Win, Win, Win Parenting Program is for YOU!
You will learn how to reduce:
Because you will learn how to effectively:
How this program is unique -
While you can watch the videos in any order, the 7 modules order will guide you in the quickest way to make changes. Many parents say, “Tell me what to do!” But then you are always relying on someone else. This program will give you the skills and confidence to analyze any interaction problem, choose the best strategy, and know the thoughts and language necessary to successfully act.
As the proverb says, “Give a person a fish, and you feed them for a day.’ teach them how to fish, and you feed them for a lifetime.” Here’s to good fishing!
Below is the Big Picture of the unique Family Harmony System that you will learn in this program.
The Self-Paced and the Supported programs both include:
If you want the quickest success because you’ll have 3 privately tailored coaching sessions with Cynthia, then register for the Supported Program
The Supported program is tailored to find your solutions for a specific challenge through:
My wisdom, that I lovingly share with you in this program, is gained from coaching hundreds of parents and teaching over 675 classes over 30 years. Along the way, I practiced these strategies as I raised a grown daughter. The experience of having a relationship with a strong-willed daughter helped me grow as a person. I had to self-reflect and make many changes in my thoughts and actions to become a parent I am proud of being. My daughter and I continue to have a close relationship because of the parenting approach that I used and teach in this program.
This program is called Win, Win, Win Parenting because there are 3 main focus areas of skill building. You will learn how to win greater cooperation through giving effective directions, greater collaboration through knowing how to have family discussions, and greater connection by learning how to listen to and support your children while they solve their own challenges. All of these skills lead to greater harmony because your children will develop confidence and want to help create a happier family.
Below are the first 7 steps that I’ve used with my private coaching clients for over 30 years. You’ll be walked through the formula by watching my engaging and descriptive videos of me carefully explaining how to present the changes to your family . You'll learn how to make the changes in your family interactions in ways that they actually appreciate. They'll say, "Thanks for becoming a better parent. You're much nicer now!" You'll feel better about yourself, too!
Are you in?
A Heartwarming Story of a Mom Seeing Long-Term Positive Results
I worked with a mom when her strong-willed daughter was 9. The mom was really struggling and she had visions of a wonderful relationship with her daughter which wasn’t happening.
She didn’t want to give up so she came to me.
The daughter is now 14 and the mom sent me this heartwarming report about how she has continual success from the parenting approach she learned from me.
“5 years ago you helped me with my strong-willed 9-year-old daughter I wanted to report back that she is now a high school freshman, and we continue to be so close and connected. She is truly a joy to be around: passionate, energetic, opinionated, and also thoughtful, kind, and understanding. The ally parenting approach has worked sooo well for my wonderful girl, and we have the relationship that I always wished I had with my own mom.”
It wasn’t by luck that the mom changed.
No, she learned the step-by-step process from me which was so easy to understand that she has continued using it for 5 years and counting.
I actually first developed this system because I WANTED to create a mutually respectful and loving relationship with my strong-willed daughter.
Since this wasn’t my experience as a child, I had to study, practice, and learn as I coached parents, in order to change my own tendency to control and not listen.
So, if I can change and hundreds of others can change, YOU CAN, TOO!
Unique information you’ll learn in Win, Win, Win Parenting
So, if you want to create a family that really gets along…..then you need to learn RIGHT AWAY the step-by-step Family Harmony System that will get you where you want to be.
Congratulations on taking this big leap toward creating more harmony and love in your home!
I look forward to being your parenting coach and support!
Happy Parenting!
Cynthia Klein
2 payments of $247 each
Payment in Full
Pay for the Supported Program in three installments.
Supported with coaching - Full Pay
Cynthia Klein’s mission is to contribute to World Peace and the family is the place to begin.
As a parenting expert for over 30 years, parents learn from Cynthia how to communicate more effectively with their children as an ally rather than an adversary. Her unique Family Harmony Formula teaches a step-by-step process to make the changes you need to create greater harmony in your home.
Cynthia focuses on teaching parents of 8 to 15-year-olds language and actions that build greater influence which leads to connection, cooperation, and collaboration. The family learns how to have open dialogue, solve problems together, support one another, and build mutual respect in all relationships. Thus, the seeds of peace are nourished.
Cynthia is the author of Ally Parenting and has spoken in person at over 650 schools and organizations, successfully coached over 3000 private parenting sessions, and taught numerous online workshops. She earned a Child Psychology degree at U.C. Berkeley, taught elementary school, and is certified in adult and parenting education.
Her website is